Playing Ebenezer Scrooge by Randy Risher

I must admit, playing Ebenezer Scrooge had yet to enter my 34-year old mind as a possibility. I knew when I accepted the role that I would have some gargantuan shoes to attempt to fill. The prospect was daunting but incredibly exciting. Scrooge is an iconic character who has been portrayed by the likes of George C. Scott, Michael Caine, Susan Lucci and even Donald Duck. We open this Thursday and I still feel the same as I did – daunted and excited. As huge of a role as Scrooge may seem, I have been greatly humbled by this experience. There are so many important details: the characters, costumes, sets, music, lighting, flying, etc. It is awe-inspiring to realize the amount of collaboration it takes to make this show happen. Every person on and off stage is crucial to this show’s realization. I feel like we’re all an ensemble. Teamwork must occur in spades. My favorite part of the show will come as no surprise – I love the flying! I wish I got to do more of it. And frankly, I also love getting to rant and rave on stage. It’s like free therapy. And I’m encouraged to do it. Where else in the world will that ever happen?


(Randy Risher as Scrooge surrounded by the “Three Ghosts”)