Playfest 2025




March 29th, 2025
West Ashley Theatre Center: 1401 Sam Rittenberg Blvd, Ste 11



9:30am, 11:15am, 1pm, 3pm, 4:30pm


show details:




All students should arrive with black pants or Khakis (yoga or stretchy pants are fine), black shoes (close-toed, not crocs, sneakers are fine), and their PlayFest T-shirt (going home in mid-march). We will have all the other costume pieces for them to put on here. Hair should be neat and off the face; no makeup. 



Students should arrive at their call time at the studio door, the double door closest to Crunch, not the main door. Please do not arrive early. There will be a table for check-in, and students will be taken to the holding room. 



Every student received (3) tickets to the show, included in your playfest fee. Tickets will be on a door list under the student's name. We do not expect to have extra seats, if we do, we will offer those. 


Streaming Tickets:

Each show will be streamed via Cure8. We will not be videotaping the performance, so this is the only way to see it outside of being in person. Please see below to purchase tickets.



Student Release:

After the show, students will collect their things and be released from the same door where they were dropped off—the double doors closest to Crunch.