View an Exclusive Interview with Sara Sanderson, Starring as Shelby in “Steel Magnolias”


1)   Who are you playing and what excites you most about performing this iconic role?

I am playing Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie and am so excited to bring this character to life. The most exciting part to me is that it is all based off a true story. Robert Harling wrote the play because he wanted his sister to not be forgotten. Shelby is such a strong woman and I feel honored to portray her.




2)   What’s your first memory of Steel Magnolias?

I actually had not seen the movie until we started this show! (I know- I’m terrible). And then I put it off for a while because as an actor sometimes watching the “original” content can affect how you portray the character without even knowing it. So once we were in rehearsals for a while, and I felt like I had a good grip on what I personally thought about Shelby’s character and I decided to watch it! And I just sobbed. For two hours I cried my eyes out, and it was great!


3)   What do you think is the important message of Steel Magnolias and why does it still resonate with audiences today?

I think the main thing to take away from Steel Magnolias is to live life to the fullest. That’s what Shelby did, and yes it cost her her life, but she wouldn’t have wanted her life to be any other way. One of the lines that impacts me the most is in the last scene when M’ylnn says “Shelby, as you know, would not want us to get all mired down and wallow in this. She would look on it as just one of life’s occurrences”. It is so simple but so wise. Shelby could have not gotten pregnant and maybe would have survived, but that wasn’t what she wanted in life. She wanted to be a mother- that’s what made her heart full. The beauty of life and love will always resonate with people and that is what makes this show great.



4)   There are so many famous one-liners from Steel Magnolias. Which one is your favorite and why?

My ABSOLUTE favorite line is Clairee’s when she says, “As somebody always said… if you don’t have anything nice to say about anybody… come sit by me.” It just perfectly sums up the type of shade these ladies throw! It is like that person that always speaks in backhanded compliments but they are so charming you can’t help but laugh. All these ladies in the show are strong, sassy, and unapologetically themselves.




5)   If your character had to distinguish between whether something was “Blush” or “Bashful”, what would their response be?

OH don’t even get me started. Blush and Bashful are two very different shades of pink, one being much deeper than the other 😉


6)   Please share your thoughts on performing with an all female ensemble.

It is truly incredible. The ladies and I were kinda joking that we thought it was funny how even though the play was written by a man. He captures the essence and vibe of that close female relationship so well. It is just another reason why this show is so special and resonates with people of all ages. That kind of womanly love is proudly on display in every second of this show. From day one I felt bonded and connected to all the women in this cast, and being on stage with them is an honor!



Performances of Steel Magnolias run March 15th – 24th at the Historic Dock Street Theatre. For tickets, click here.